Praising God.
It was sobering to hear about the VA Tech shootings. It's strange how we sometimes think small southern towns as being "safe" and exempt from something like a mass shooting. Personally, my sceptic side usually dispells that notion though . . .
My first thought though was: Praise God for keeping my brother John safe. John is getting his doctorate in mechanical engineering from VA Tech, and he and his family live very close to the campus. Immediately, I played through all the what-ifs in my head as I heard about so many people who lost loved ones in the tragedy. I am reminded again how thankful I am for John. John and his family. It has been sad to watch the videos about Cho, the shooter also. There are hurting people everywhere, and unfortunately VA Tech happened to be Cho's outlet of rage and anger. I can only imagine how different VA Tech has already become, just in these few short days . . . and, probably will never be "the same" again.
John asked for prayer -- for the families who have lost loved ones, for the student body, for his local church that reaches out to college students, and for the town as the recover.
The name of the LORD is a strong tower; the righteous run to it and are safe. Proverbs 18:10
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