Thursday, November 11, 2010

Blogging takes a hit

I thought that I had completely lost all blog-fans with my terrible posting streak. It's feast or famine folks. We have a very full plate, and blogging often suffers. Something has to. So, if you're a faithful checker-in, kudos to you. We're still alive and kicking. God is good. David keeps me busy in addition to me working full-time. And, Brian is still busy going to school and working. He graduates in . . . drum roll please . . . 36 days! We're so proud of him. He will then start working full-time at church, which he (really we) LOVES.

There are 11 new posts below. Pace yourself. You don't have to read them all at once. You might want to brew some coffee first, or tea, or hot chocolate, or whatever you like to drink while reading.

So, thanks for persevering for more than 4 long months. Hopefully, it won't be so long next time.

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